23 February, 2021 19:04
Join Data Platform MVP Ben Weissman as he explores Azure Arc for Data Services, Microsoft‘s solution to deploy services like Azure SQL to any cloud – including private clouds – using Kubernetes. He will take us through the core concepts of Azure Arc for Data Services and also demo how easy it is to deploy an Azure SQL Managed Instance on-premises while still being able to see its telemetry from the Azure portal. To watch more Data Exposed episodes, check out our playlist on YouTube: https://aka.ms/dataexposedyt Subscribe to our YouTube channel: https://aka.ms/msazuresqlyt Follow us on Twitter: https://aka.ms/azuresqltw
https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/video-hub/how-to-deploy-azure-sql-anywhere-using-azure-arc-for-data/m-p/2161030#M957 https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/video-hub/how-to-deploy-azure-sql-anywhere-using-azure-arc-for-data/m-p/2161030#M957 2021-02-24 00:43:11Z