Upcoming May 2021 Microsoft 365 Champion Community Call

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Join us for this month’s community call where we will continue with our every 4th Tuesday of the month schedule, occurring on May 25th! Join us at either 8:00 AM or 5:00 PM PT.

We are excited to have the Sharing is Caring community join us to talk about their group!

If you are looking to learn how to use the Microsoft 365 community resources or contribute back to the community and are unsure where to start, the Patterns and Practices "Sharing is Caring" team is here for you!

Using hands-on guidance in safe space sessions, you can learn how to overcome technical and non-technical hurdles that prevent you from getting more involved in the community.

PnP | Sharing Is Caring

If you have not yet joined our champion community, signup here to get the resource links that contain access to the call calendar, invites, program assets, and previous calls!


We look forward to seeing you there!


https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/driving-adoption-blog/upcoming-may-2021-microsoft-365-champion-community-call/ba-p/2380862 https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/driving-adoption-blog/upcoming-may-2021-microsoft-365-champion-community-call/ba-p/2380862 2021-05-24 14:32:02Z