Azure SQL Virtual Machines Reimagined: Measuring Performance & Monitoring Health (Ep.3) | Data Exposed Live

In order to size a solution for the cloud it is important to consider the performance characteristics of your existing application, current pressures, the shape of your workloads, and your target for migration whether it be Azure SQL Database, Azure SQL Managed Instance, or Azure SQL Virtual Machine. In this episode of Data Exposed Live with David Pless and Pam Lahoud, we will cover the performance metrics to collect as well as how to interpret these metrics into requirements for a new virtual machine in Azure. We will then dive into how to implement those requirements to continue to monitor your sizing for ongoing health. Our goal is to simplify the monitoring and baselining capabilities using Windows perfmon, tooling, and capabilities in Azure to give you the tools to help maximize your Azure SQL investment. The areas we will focus on is performance monitor, perf diagnostics, Azure portal and dashboards, Azure Monitor & metrics, and capabilities offered in the latest Database Migration Assistant. 2021-07-14 18:54:47Z