Building the pipeline of future female engineers, with Dr. Tarika Barrett

Gemma Milne talks with Dr. Tarika Barrett, CEO of Girls Who Code, about their initiatives to close the technology gender gap, including certain data-driven responses and research, the importance of role models, global differences related to this issue, and concrete examples of the positive impact programs like these can have on individuals, companies willing to transform their culture, and society at large.

About Tarika Barrett:

Dr. Tarika Barrett is the CEO of Girls Who Code, an international nonprofit organization working to close the gender gap in technology, and which has served more than 450,000 students to date. Tarika started her career as an educator and has spent two decades building educational pathways for young people at organizations like iMentor, the New York City Department of Education, New Visions for Public Schools, and New York University’s Center for Research on Teaching and Learning. A graduate of Brooklyn College, Tarika has an M.A. in Deaf Education from Columbia Teachers College and a Ph.D. in Teaching and Learning from New York University. Tarika serves on the board of McGraw Hill and is the recipient of the New York University’s Steinhardt School Dorothy Height Distinguished Alumni Achievement Award.

Topics of discussion

  • The role of culture in perpetuating the tech gender gap (7:14)
  • Expanding the definition of a “typical” coder (14:45)
  • Specific programs targeted toward closing the tech gender gap (17:43)
  • What a more diverse and equitable technology world might look like (21:55)
  • How closing the gap creates a leadership opportunity for businesses (24:31)
  • Does recent history show how fast change is possible? (28:05)
  • First steps for companies that want to transform their cultures (32:07)

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YouTube: 2021-09-22 16:23:34Z