2 March, 2022 10:28


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Our first episode of Season 5 came from feedback from all of you. We heard loud and clear that you wanted to see customers in highly regulated industries and how they are using and securing Microsoft Teams. After meeting with the telehealth provider Vituity, we know we could give you exactly what you wanted.

In this episode, I sit down with Vituity CIO, Amith Nair, and Product Manager, Sara Jew, where we dig into the product and how they met the employee and end user needs, all while staying compliant. We also speak with Moveworks Founder, Varun Singh, on the partnership with Vituity to create a bot that would answer key questions for the Vituity support staff and physicians to increase productivity all while reducing patient turnaround times. If you haven’t watched the episode yet, I encourage you to take 30 minutes out of your schedule to do so.

We asked our guests from Vituity and Moveworks to share some final thoughts and resources for this “Inside Microsoft Teams” blog.

Amith Nair – CIO, Vituity
Vituity is a mission-driven organization and to help support that vision, we want to focus on people first instead of the process. To get at that goal, we’ve undergone a massive digital transformation over the past few years to help create a secure and borderless employee experience. For a successful transformation, one of the critical ingredients is great partners.

Both Microsoft and Moveworks played that important role in delivering our successful strategy and transformation. They helped us meet our essential principles for this new experience: cloud-first, mobile-first, and secure-always.

As a healthcare organization that sees 7 million patients every year, we have an obligation to safeguard our patient data. As a great partner, Microsoft 365 provided us with the tools and processes that we could easily extend to securely manage and maintain our data in the cloud, which in turn helped us achieve HiTrust certification. Through Microsoft’s terrific network of partners, we were able to find Moveworks who helped us create that borderless employee experience with our chatbot, Otto. Otto supports our employees and clinicians 24/7 with their IT, HR, payroll, and benefits questions.


The Microsoft 365 Platform behaves like a Swiss Army knife. This digital infrastructure has made it easy to extend its features to support patient care, like with our Telepsychiatry and Patient Care Navigation services. We easily created a workflow that allows the Care Coordinator and Clinician on call to communicate and intake patients right in Teams efficiently. This means no more toggling between different systems and faster, easier patient care.

Sara Jew – Product Manager, Digital Adoption & Enablement, Vituity
Getting to know your users and how they best absorb information is a sure way to get your tools adopted more quickly. We know our audience is high touch, loves interactive education, and quick answers. This is why our Digital Adoption & Enablement team created the VIT Lounge, a monthly program where we have subject matter experts present education, tips & tricks, or case studies for how they’ve improved their work lives using our technology offerings. Having this forum opens the door for people to learn about and feel more empowered to try new tools. Seeing your peers use a tool piques interest and helps overcome those barriers to change. We’re always looking for creative ways to get through to our users and this is one way we’ve found success.

We also implemented our Otto chatbot to provide knowledge base articles and ticketing to our clinicians 24/7. Instead of waiting for a call back, they get instant answers, allowing us to provide better service and freeing up our Service Desk to work on tasks that may require more white glove service. Now he’s one of our top five ticket closers. And we think he’s pretty cute, too 😉


Lastly, as part of our mission, Vituity has committed to improving healthcare access with our Vituity Cares Foundation www.vituitycares.org. We offer popup clinics to the unhoused in a variety of California locations and will soon be expanding to locations in Arizona and beyond.

Powering Teams with AI Support: Varun Singh – Founder & VP of Product, Moveworks, Inc.
Vituity came to us at Moveworks with a simple mission: allow its physicians to spend 100% of their time treating patients — without any disruptions getting in the way. At the start of 2020, Vituity was undergoing rapid digital transformation, which meant dealing with locked accounts, troubleshooting problems, and countless other IT issues. These physicians couldn’t afford to wait hours or days for tech support in the context of a global pandemic.

So, in April 2020, Vituity deployed its Moveworks bot, known to its physicians as Otto. Otto is an AI-powered chatbot that lives directly in Teams, where Vituity’s workforce collaborates throughout the day. Whenever they need support, physicians simply submit their requests to Otto in conversational language, triggering Moveworks’ AI platform to find the most relevant solution to each request in real time. The bot has completely transformed how the company provides support: rather than waiting for days, physicians now get help in seconds, without ever leaving Teams.


To date, Vituity has saved almost 17,000 hours of productivity by adding Moveworks to Teams. We’re extremely proud to assist Vituity in delivering life-saving care, the moment it’s needed.

Questions, comments, and/or suggestions? Contact us at IMT@microsoft.com.
Until next time,
Stephen Rose
Host of Inside Microsoft Teams

Date: 2022-03-02 16:00:00Z
Link: https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/microsoft-teams-blog/inside-microsoft-teams-season-5-episode-1-vituity-and-teams/ba-p/3239074