5 August, 2022 15:26
We have several updates to share around our open-source app templates that the team manages. These updates focus on both new features and core stability updates. Please continue to provide your feedback to us at https://aka.ms/adoptionfeedback.
Champion Management Platform – v2.3
- Localized in 12 languages
- Arabic (SA), Chinese (simplified), Chinese (traditional), English (US), French, German, Hebrew, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese (BR), Russian, Spanish
- Localization uses Microsoft Teams language settings
- Ability to approve/reject multiple Champion onboarding requests at one time from approval screen
- Mobile responsive UI
- New card layouts for both Champion and non-champion leaderboard views
- New search feature for Champion leaderboard filtering
- Ability to schedule 1:1 calendar scheduling for Champion <-> non-Champion introductions off the card layout screen
- (bug fix): When applying search filters incorrect rankings would show from leaderboard
- (bug fix): When adding multiple instances of same event type in “record event” section of leaderboard the system would not capture all instances
- Also includes Tournament of Teams updates for v1.1
Tournament of Teams – v1.1
- Localized in 12 languages
- Arabic (SA), Chinese, Chinese (TW), English (US), French, German, Hebrew, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese (BR), Russian, Spanish
- Localization uses Microsoft Teams language setting
- Mobile responsive UI
- Ability to create multiple tournaments and templates from Excel
- Ability to start multiple tournaments at the same time
Company Communicator – v5.2
- Ability to upload image from local machine for use in message send
- Ability to format the summary text using markdown language
- New header banner with standard logo, support, and feedback options
- (bug fix): Issues with PowerShell deployment failures
https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/driving-adoption-blog/microsoft-teams-open-source-app-templates-august-2022-updates/ba-p/3585302 https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/driving-adoption-blog/microsoft-teams-open-source-app-templates-august-2022-updates/ba-p/3585302 2022-08-05 21:07:33Z