Microsoft Learn collections now support Docs and Q&A content

Last year, we introduced ‘collections’ on Microsoft Learn, allowing users to easily curate and share custom sets of modules and learning paths. Collections allow users to curate Microsoft Learn’s content into custom learning paths and easily share them with anyone. Need to prepare for a project, craft a training plan for your team, or assemble a learning session for a customer engagement? Simply create a collection, share it, and start learning.

Since launching collections, a top request we’ve received from the community is to enable support for more content from across the Microsoft Docs ecosystem. We’re excited to share that collections now support curating content from both Microsoft Docs and Learn. Users can now pair Microsoft Learn’s training content with Microsoft Docs’ in-depth documentation, code samples, reference architectures, and more.

We’ve also introduced a new “save” workflow that combines collections and bookmarks functionality into a single experience. As part of this change, bookmarks are now the “Favorites” collection. Find your Favorites collection on the Collections tab in your Docs profile.

How it works

To create your first collection, click the Save button on any content page. Next, click New collection, then give it a name and a description. Now you’re ready to add learning modules, documentation, certification details, and more. Anything content with a Save button can be added to a collection.


Once you’ve assembled your collection, sharing it with others is easy. Just share the collection’s URL or use the Share button to post it to social media. Anyone who receives the link to your collection can view it and start learning immediately.

Sharing your collection with colleagues from around the world? Collections automatically display localized versions of all content when available.


Share your collection with us on LinkedIn or Twitter! 2021-07-22 15:00:00Z