Lee Más - Piensa Más - Diseña!

A collection of articles and shared posts about some recent technology and design developments, interspersed with some random Spanish/LatinX expressions for flavor.

Using Kusto Query Language (KQL) in Azure Data Studio | Data Exposed

Azure Data Studio – a cross-platform client tool with hybrid and poly cloud capabilities – now brings KQL experiences for

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5G and 4G LTE networking with edge compute | Azure Edge Zones

Options for very low latency networking with Azure Edge Zones. It brings Azure’s global network fabric into local metro area

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IoT ELP Module 4 (Introduction) – Big Data 2.0 IoT as your New Operational Data Source

A large part of value provided from IoT deployments comes from data. However, getting this data into the existing data

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IoT ELP Module 3 (Main Presentation) – Adding Intelligence, Unlocking New Insights with AI & ML

For many scenarios, the cloud is used as a way to process data and apply business logic with nearly limitless

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How to migrate SQL Server databases to Azure | Microsoft Mechanics

Running SQL Server on-premises and looking to move to Azure? Review your best options for assessment and migration. Bob Ward,

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IoT ELP Module 3 (Introduction) – Adding Intelligence, Unlocking New Insights with AI & ML

For many scenarios, the cloud is used as a way to process data and apply business logic with nearly limitless

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Understanding Backup Storage Redundancy in Azure SQL | Data Exposed

Database backups are an essential part of any business continuity and disaster recovery strategy because they protect your data from

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IoT ELP Module 5 (Main Presentation) – Strategy & Best Practices Mapping Designs from Edge to Cloud

In this session we will explore strategies for secure IoT device connectivity in real-world edge environments, specifically how use of

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IoT ELP Module 5 (Introduction) – Strategy & Best Practices Mapping Designs from Edge to Cloud

In this session we will explore strategies for secure IoT device connectivity in real-world edge environments, specifically how use of

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Azure AI and Machine Learning | Using Azure Stack Edge to help stop animal trafficking | Microsoft Mechanics

Take a look at Azure Stack Edge and its growing application for AI and machine learning workloads. Find out how

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