Lee Más - Piensa Más - Diseña!

A collection of articles and shared posts about some recent technology and design developments, interspersed with some random Spanish/LatinX expressions for flavor.

What’s New in Microsoft Teams | September 2020

Summary: September has been an eventful month filled with exciting news and announcements. Before we dive into the new product

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New capabilities on Microsoft Teams phones | September 2020

Summary: Teams Phones have some great new features shipped in the last release, which you can read about in this

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See all the Power Automate updates at the Microsoft Business Applications Launch Event

Summary: Join us on October 1, 2020, from 9–11 AM Pacific Time (UTC -7), for this free digital event. You’ll

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What Is No Code?

medium.com – Ready to start building your app without code? Head over to https://NoCo.io Ready to start building your app

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Why we should teach kids no-code

medium.com – In The Netherlands, the new school year is just a week old. A good time to write about

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Microsoft seeks citizen developer clout as Teams platform grows

ciodive.com – Usability is how vendors can convey return on investment at a time when CIOs are laser-focused on technology

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New inclusive features in Microsoft Teams and more | Ignite 2020 Edition

Summary: As IT leaders, we have the ability to make the work experience more inclusive of the 1 billion people

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New inclusive features in Microsoft Teams and more | Ignite 2020 Edition

Summary: As IT leaders, we have the ability to make the work experience more inclusive of the 1 billion people

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Open as App adds the power of non-technical citizen developers to Microsoft 365

openasapp.com – The no-code platform for calculation and dashboard apps creates new opportunities for Microsoft partners and complements Microsoft Power

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Success Curve Hand Finger Woman  - geralt / Pixabay

Embedded COVID-19 Dashboard

This map is pulled from the Bing COVID-19 site. The dashboard is embedded using the code available in the following

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